Saturn Ketu Conjunction From 7th Mar 2019

Apr 2019 Horoscope

Saturn Ketu Jupiter Conjunction – 10th Apr 2019

The Roots And Wings Debate – Who Is Right?

Jupiter Retrograde On 10th Apr 2019 : Check On Lucky Breaks..

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Mar 2019 Horoscope


Saturn Ketu Conjunction From 7th Mar 2019

Believe In Yourself Or Be Yourself?
Mercury Retrograde: 5th Mar 2018 – Mind Your Communications Please…
Horoscope For March 2019

Feb 2019 Horoscope


Debilitation Exaltation Of Planets – Demystified

Doubts, Fears And Reaching Out.. Art of Relationships
Preview Of Rahu-Ketu Transit In 2019
Horoscope For Feb 2019

Jan 2019 Horoscope


Demystifying Retrogrades, Eclipses And Transits:

Relationships – The Art Of Liking People
Uranus Direct 2019 – It Surprises, Jolts, Stimulates
Horoscope For Jan 2019


Oct 2018 Horoscope


Know The 27 Nakshatras

Teach Resilience To Your Children
Venus Retrograde
Horoscope For Oct 2018

Nov 2018 Horoscope


Shukra Dosha:Venus Affliction Causes Mental Disharmony In Relationships

The Roots And Wings Debate – Who Is Right?
Venus Direct
Horoscope For Nov 2018

Dec 2018 Horoscope

Astrology Demystified – What Happens When Saturn Returns?

Live Your Life, Don’t Just Exist
Mercury Direct
Horoscope for March 2018


July 2018 Horoscope


Vedic Astrology – Are You A Manglik?

How To Secure Relationships In Couples?
Uranus Transit
Horoscope For May 2018

Aug 2018 Horoscope


What Is Rahu Kaal?

How To Bridge This Generation Gap?
Uranus Goes Retrograde 7th Aug 2018
Horoscope For Aug 2018

Sept 2018 Horoscope


Afflictions Due To Bad Karma Of Forefathers

Is Anger A Negative Expression All The Time?
Mars Retrograde
Horoscope For Sept 2018


April 2018 Horoscope


Are You Undergoing Sade Sati Period?

The Power Of Decision Making
Saturn Retrograde : Reality Checks Important – Thorough Homework – No Shortcuts
Horoscope For April 2018

May 2018 Horoscope


Rahu – Ketu And The Kaal Sarp Yog:
How Do They Affect Your Zodiac?

The State Of Being Happy
Pluto Retrograde
Horoscope For May 2018

June 2018 Horoscope


Vedic Astrology – What Is Mangal Dosha? And How To Remedy It?

The Art Of Liking People
Mars Retrograde
Horoscope For June 2018


Jan 2018 Horoscope


Generic Predictions vs Individual Horoscope

Believe In Yourself?
Solar and Lunar Eclipses Demystified
Horoscope For Jan 2018

Feb 2018 Horoscope

Is It Important To Map Your Birth Chart?

The Power Of Decision Making
Partial Solar Eclipse of 15th Feb 2018
Horoscope For Feb 2018

March 2018 Horoscope

How Do Planets In Transit Charts Affect Us?

Understand Spiritualism To Attract Success!Jupiter Retrograde Mar 8th , 2018
Horoscope for March 2018

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