Rahu – The eternal planet of the “unseen” or “illusions” (or Maya) according to Vedic Astrology. Considered as the ruler of evil thoughts, it pushes individuals towards evil deeds and actions when under his influence. The Rahu Mahadasha, which is for 18 years, is such a period where you are tested to the core on your beliefs of being true and conscientious. There will be greed, ego and envy along the way and you are tested thoroughly.
In conjunction with Rahu, the Antardashas are periods when other planets align with him to create new challenges and tests for the individual depending on the qualities of the planets. Rahu Antardasha lasts for one and half to two years. Rahu Mahadasha and Rahu Antardasha make a person’s life tough and it carries harshness and hurdles.
God Bless
Dolly Manghat
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