Horoscope Mar 2021
The good news this month is that there are going to be no more cluster of planets in one sign, no more retrogrades, no more T-squares. Just trines, and conjunctions of Mercury-Jupiter, and Venus-Neptune.
Who Is Right?
Straightaway, people took their sides – some, firmly in camp of providing a firm, stable & secure support to their offspring; & others, in favor of letting their children fly & feel intoxication of freedom.
Saturn Squares Uranus All Throughout 2021
One of most powerful planetary aspects of 2021.
Why? While Saturn represents structure & order, Uranus represents newness & out-of-the-box. While Saturn forces discipline, Uranus urges freedom.
Citrine Topaz – Energy Abundance From Jupiter
Born During Uranus Retrograde. Impact On Personality?
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