The Mars-Rahu v Sat-Ketu Opposition:
What happens when these two opposing powerhouses square up in the cosmic sky?
This is like a two heavy-weight tag teams going at each other in a boxing ring. Well, you can expect a big show for sure. However, its not about the fear that these opposing energies bring. It is bringing us face to face with what we project (Mars-Rahu) vs what we are (Saturn-Ketu)? Isn’t that powerful to understand what we are chasing vs we we need to work on? Where our real happiness lies? All questions answered in this two part series.
Goldilocks Rule – We Experience Peak Motivation On Edge Of Our Current Abilities
The Dolly Manghat Looking Beyond Program is devised to help professionals and individuals charter their life beyond their routine or ability.
The idea is to transcend the obvious. Hence the tag line – Doing a Job Or Working On A Mission?
Neptune Retrograde On 21st Jun 2019 – Double And Triple Check Your Plans Before Implementing Them
ANeptune rules your dreams and intuition. It is enabling us to strengthen our convictions when planning a project, deal or relationships.
This period pushes you to check, double check and triple check your plans before putting them out for implementation.