The Total Solar Eclipse On 2nd Jul 2019
Feel the external pull and inward push with the solar energies tested during this period
On the back of Neptune Retrograde, comes the Total Solar eclipse on 2nd Jul 2019 bringing a lot of issues to the surface. Reality bites and hits you hard unless you are prepared for it. Hence, it is imperative to keep your calm and complete your tasks in a collected manner with correct check-points.
8 Reasons Why Our Habits Fail Us?
There are elementary reasons why we cannot keep up to our habits to succeed in life. If we can address them, life would be so easy to handle and manage. Right?
In this video, Dolly Manghat lists out 8 reasons why our habits fail us? Watch and understand her carefully.
The Partial Lunar Eclipse On 16th Jul 2019
– The Peak of Emotional Energies In the Cosmic Sky. Internal Churning In Progress.
Lunar energies are linked to emotions and relationships. Hence lunar eclipses bring this to the fore giving you a completely new dimension to personal life.
Tourmaline – Self Energized And Charged
I Was Born During Eclipse. Is That Inauspicious?
Homely and Mothering Natured