Saturn’s Homecoming into Capricorn
After a 28 year journey through the zodiac, Saturn is coming back home in Capricorn starting 24th Jan 2020. This marks a new journey for Saturn’s impacts on us as it prepares to stay home.
Self Awareness Zodiac 2020 eBooks
Start your journey of 2020 through “Self awareness through the stars”. This will empower you to achieve your desired goals be it more love, success, self – confidence, intimacy, money. These books are about using astrology as a recipe for falling deeply and passionately in love with yourself. Loving yourself is the most essential prerequisite to living your best life.
Guidance For All Moon Signs–Saturn Transit Capricorn
As Saturn, made its grand homecoming entry into Capricorn on 23rd Jan 2020, it marked the beginning of a defining period for all mankind for years to come. After traveling across the zodiac for 30 years, it makes a visit home and immediately gets into action mode on areas of the house it sits in.
Moonstone – For Natural Hormonal Balance
Does Saturn’s Transit In 7th House Indicate Divorce?
Rebels Desiring Freedom