Demystifying Sadhe Sati – Core Of Saturn’s Lessons For Everyone

In this video, Dolly Manghat demystifies the fears, myths and anxiety associated with Sadhe Sati. (7.5 Year Saturn Period when it travels over the 12th, 1st and 2nd houses wrt Natal Moon)

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Is Anger A Negative Expression All The Time?

All of us struggle with anger, most have learnt to control it and some even to let it not bother them. These days, it’s commonly regarded as growing up, when we can remain calm in every situation. We can control emotion, but it never really goes away.

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Planetary Events

planetory events-dec

Cancer New Moon – 20 July 2020: Your Second Chance …

With Saturn (in Capricorn) opposing the Moon (in Cancer), the tussle is between emotion & order. The moon absorbs energies, churns emotions & holds on to them.

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Works Miracles To Alleviate & Heal Pain

Mars in 7th Aspects Saturn Moon Conjunction. Should I Worry?

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