What Is Rahu Kaal? And Does It Really Affect Your Works Daily?
A daily period of 1.5 hours is considered as Rahu Kaal, when things should not be initiated or acted upon.
According to ancient vedic astrology, the Rahu (serpent’s head) is a malefic planet that affects the sun and moon. Given its nature, it obstructs or negates positive effects of other planets, especially the sun and the moon.
Young Adults Vs Parents – How To Bridge This Generation Gap?
The age-old problem where parents say that their children are unapproachable/ungrateful/rude and the youngsters say that the parents are over-demanding/restrictive and don’t understand. Obviously, this is a problem that troubles both sides and needs fixing.
Uranus Goes Retrograde 7th Aug 2018: The Wildcard – Unexpected, Unpredictable And Out Of The Box
If you are shy, you will be suddenly exposed to public gaze while if you are extrovert, you may feel going into a shell. That’s Uranus energy for you.Your behavior and persona shows up as opposite to your perceived character for people.