Are You Undergoing Sade Sati Period?
There are lot of misconceptions about Shani (Saturn) and his 7.5 years period in transit charts of an individual’s zodiac. People fear or hate this period and pray to avoid or pass this duration somehow.
Love it or hate it, you cannot ignore it. Lord Shani will not allow you to! This period occurs in every individuals atleast once in his/her lifetime. In some cases twice while in rarest of rare cases.
The Power Of Decision Making
In her Win-O-Win series, Dolly Manghat elucidates why decision making is critical in life? Right or Wrong comes later. Stop procrastination and fear about taking decisions.
Become strong by being responsible for your decisions and actions.
Saturn Retrograde : Reality Checks Important
As Saturn turns retrograde on 18th Apr 2018, it joins Jupiter who is already in retrograde to start a series of long planet retrogrades (Pluto joins in the next few days, Neptune in June). So, we are embracing a major retrograde cycle of this year with majority planets in retrograde motion.